The University Board

The University Board

The University Board is the University of Bergen’s highest body.

The Rector is the Chair of the University Board and on behalf of the Board has the ultimate responsibility for and management of all activity at the University of Bergen (UiB).

2 of the University Boards 10 member are students, chosen by the other students in the student election.


The Candidates

Thomas 300x300
Sara 300x300
Sigrid 300x300
20240303 Mg 9839 Victor Botnevik 300x300
Christian Matre Listelogo Christian Matre

Christian Matre

Christian Matre Listelogo Christian Matre
  • Core matters

    Improving the digital daily life for students

  • Shorter Distance Between Faculty, Departments, and Students

  • Contact info




In the upcoming student election at the University of Bergen, I, Christian, am seeking your support to become one of the two student representatives on the University Board. As a dedicated master’s student in computer science and a native of Bergen, I bring both local roots and a strong academic background to the table. In addition to my studies, I work at the university’s IT department, where I have gained valuable knowledge of the administration and its local processes. My recent role as the chairman of the Orrelia neighborhood association (2020-2022) has provided me with substantial experience in board work. By attending the University Board meetings, I have prepared myself to effectively represent my fellow students.

I am passionate about improving the digital daily life for students and will prioritize the enhancement of services like Videonotat, which reflects the work forms of today and tomorrow. Furthermore, I aim to address the challenges related to digital exams, with a special focus on the availability of loaner computers and student-friendly implementation. I believe that digital exams should serve as a tool for students, not as a performance metric for the administration. Improving study conditions, including more and better reading rooms and extended access to existing university areas, is also among my priorities.

A core value for me is to build bridges between students, faculties, and the administration through strengthened cooperation and dialogue, as well as to increase the funding for local student representation. I believe that small measures can make a big difference in student well-being and engagement. By leveraging the student voice in the University Board, we can ensure that our needs and perspectives are heard in decision-making processes that affect us.

As a solution-oriented individual, I am committed to promoting students’ rights and welfare, as well as supporting UiB’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030. By choosing me as your representative, we take an important step together towards a more inclusive and sustainable university environment. I hope for your support for a stronger and more democratic student environment at UiB.

Thank you for considering my candidacy, and I wish you an informed choice!

Karoline Hjelmtvedt Hermansen

  • Core matters

    A university for everyone – more accommodation on campus

  • More women on syllabi

  • Contact info




Hi! My name is Karoline, and I wish to be your student representative on the University Board! I have just completed a bachelor’s degree in comparative politics and alongside my studies, I am now vice-president of the UN Students Bergen, where we work to promote the Sustainable Development Goals and other relevant issues for students. I have no prior experience in student politics, but I consider this an advantage as it allows me to approach this role with a fresh and critical eye.

Lately, I’ve become more aware of all the different decisions that are constantly being made and how they affect my, and your, study life. The University Board makes decisions concerning the financial allocation between faculties, which themes should be prioritized, and what values the university should represent. On this occasion, I am running as a representative on the University Board, wishing to give all students a clear and strong voice.

Core Issue 1: “A University for Everyone – Better Adaptation on Campus”

My first core issue is a university for everyone – better accommodation on campus because I believe the university can do more to include all students. We students come in all shapes, and everyone carries a unique set of needs. Some students are parents, some have part-time or full-time jobs, and some live with varying degrees of functional variation. Due to this, it is a necessity for the university to prioritize 24-hour study facilities throughout the semester since several students also have varying exam periods. Many of the university premises also need to comply with requirements for universal design so that all students have an equal opportunity for education.

Core Issue 2: “More Women on Syllabi”

My second core issue is more women on syllabi. A lack of female representation is a challenge across several dimensions and affects various aspects of student life, whether it concerns a minority of female lecturers or a low percentage of female authors on syllabi.

This is a challenge I believe can be tackled with increased awareness of unconscious biases in the selection of syllabi so that the invisible mechanisms that create inequality in the academic sphere can be slowed. Representation in academia is incredibly important, and the experience of “seeing oneself” in the curriculum can play a crucial role in students’ motivation and well-being in their field of study.

As students, we have more to say than we often think, and that is why it is important to choose good representatives who will lift all students across departments and fields of study. I hope you will place your trust in me, and I can promise that I will give all I have to create a good and more inclusive university.

Happy voting!


Ruben Tjore Wespestad

  • Core matters

    A strong connection between the board and the student democracies

  • Extended opening hours for buildings and study halls

  • Contact info


A new spring and a new election! For a lot of students, both old and new, the election stands largely as an unknown. What is the university board? What do they discuss? And what role do the students have there?

Hi! My name is Ruben, I study applied mathematics and have for a long time been actively engaged in various social committees at Matnat, as well as the student democracy. Throughout the last few years I’ve been a part of improving the everyday study life of the students here, and now I wish to extend that to all of UiB’s students.

There is a lot to be said of the student politics, but not a lot the average student could say. Few students have a decent, or any considerable knowledge, of what the university board does, or why their voice matters. That needs to change! Especially when we have 20% of the votes.

I therefore want to secure a strong connection between the university board and the student democracies at all of the faculties. I will actively visit all of them routinely to hear their voices and opinions and to make sure that they not only know of what is being brought up at the university board, but that their voices are heard!

Furthermore, a lack of stidyspaces needs to be addressed. A student willing to learn should not be hindered by a lack of suitable study area! A vote for me will be a vote for the voices of all of the students!

A vote for the students wishes. I wish you all a great election!

Best regards, Ruben

Sigrid Vorland & Victor Botnevik


We are two students seeking to be your representatives to the University Board. Sigrid (22) is majoring in physics and currently a substitute representative to the University Board. She’s previous been the leader of the student body at her faculty. Victor (22) is currently the representative to the University Board and previously been leader of the student body at his faculty. He’s also been a representative to the Faculty Board at the Faculty of Law.

Our two main objectives are creating a more unified and resolute student community, as well as ensuring a greener university.

The University of Bergen is little without its students. Therefore, our main objective is ensuring that your local student representatives have the resources they need. Our thinking is that when your local representatives have the resources they need, issues regarding your own studies and your stay at UiB can be solved locally. This, however, presupposes that your representatives are adequately paid and have received sufficient training on how to do their job. Today, this is not the case and we want to change that.

Furthermore, we want to ensure that the university keeps good in its promises to lower emissions. Within the year 2030, UiB has promised to become carbon neutral. Given today’s slow progress, this will not be achieved. Therefore, we want to intensify the University Board’s work on cutting emissions. This includes work to ensure better data on emission sources, more specific measures solving local climate issues, and less domestic air travel.

We hope you’ll vote for us!

Regards Sigrid and Victor

Thomas Helland-Hansen og Sara Helene Lund-Tønnesen

  • Core matters

    A university engaged in international solidarity

  • A sustainable UiB – climate neutrality by 2030!

  • Contact info


    Facebook: Thomas og Sara 2024

    Instagram: thomas_og_sara_2024

Hello, fellow students!

This year, we, Thomas and Sara, are running for the University board at UiB. We hope you have trust in us, and vote for us in the election 16.-25. of April!

Thomas Helland-Hansen is 24 years old, and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Comparative Politics, having previously earned a bachelor’s degree in the subject. Ever since he came to the university, Thomas has been actively involved as a student representative both at the department and faculty. From 2021 to 2022, Thomas served as President of the Student Parliament at UiB, where he gained a solid understanding of the workings and administration of the university. Today, Thomas works as a seminar leader at his department and has also worked as a mentor.

Sara Helene Lund-Tønnesen is 22 years old, and is currently finishing her bachelor’s degree in History. She has been active in organizational life since middle school, and has participated in several levels of the student democracy at UiB, including as a representative in the Student Parliament and as a member of the executive committee in the Student Council at the Faculty of Humanities. When not engaged in student democracy, you can often find her reading at Sydneshaugen.

Thomas and Sara have both a lot of experiences they wish to bring with them to the University Board. They want to make the students’ voices loud and clear, and fight for the matters they are passionate about. With Thomas and Sara in the University Board the climate crisis will be put on the agenda, and international solidarity will be a priority. UiB has to be an active societal institution and use its role as a speaker for democracy and human rights more actively.